
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Redecorating my daughters bedroom on a low budget

Last summer my oldest daughter and I redecorated my youngest daughters room. My oldest daughter had her second knee surgery that summer so she didn't have much choice but to help, she was stuck with me(insert evil face here).   First I picked a very dark blue, her room is a good size and we painted two walls the dark blue and two walls a light grey that I had left over from a different project.  Then on to the projects to hang on hers walls and such. 

 First my daughter worked on a spoon mirror:

For the backing we used a piece of cardboard my husband had, we put painters tape across the cardboard to divide it into sections.  Then the spoon breaking took place, we used sharp scissors and got cutting.  Once we had a good amount of spoons to start with we  began hot gluing the spoons around the outside of the circle and once we were to the center we glued the mirror in the middle.  It took a lot of hot glue and a lot of spoons!  Once all the spoons were on we painted it darker pink in the center to lighter shades of pink as we went out.  Once it was dry we screwed it to the wall.  I love it!

Another project we did was owl decor with hooks(my daughter is crazy about owls), we had a bunch of boards left over from doing windows so we just cut a rounded part of the top leaving the points for ears.  Than we got to  painting and adding painted washers for eyes. Than I added hooks to the bottom.  Another project that turned out so cute!

Another easy fix I did was upholsterer her vanity seat.  I bought a yard of fabric and unscrewed the seat added the fabric stapled it on the bottom and screwed it back down and HELLO what a transformation!

I also used some left over wood to add her name above her closet.  I picked out a piece of scrap book paper for each letter, got some cheap wood letters, painted the letters and let them dry while I added the paper. To add the paper I simply sprayed adhesive on the boards and than placed the paper on them.  I than had to figure out how to hang them so I just drilled a hole the size of a screw head in the back without going completely through the bard.  Then we glued the letters to the scrap paper and another project was done.
Lets see we also tried to organize the queen of mess's closet a bit. We had some left over metal shelving stuff from our pantry so we added a shelve to put her shoes on than we made some cute hangers from wire hangers to hang sandals and slip on shoes from. We also put some screws under her high shelve to hang bags from.  For not spending any money on this project it was a good solution to an on going problem! Don't mind the messy floor in the picture we were taking pictures as we finished projects, keep in mind we had to clean the closet first(insert mad face here).
Another one of my last minute ideas was a shelf to put sports stuff on.  Our daughter plays sports and although she has some trophy's she mostly has those medals on ribbon which were all in a messy pile on her vanity.  That pile had me thinking how am I going to display those... so again with materials we had laying around: a two by four and some trim. I measured above her desk that we also painted, and decided on the length and got to work.  My son helped me with this one we used a miter saw to cut angles on the trim so the corners fit together.  There is a two by four we screwed to the wall after making sure it was level than screwed another to the top of that, this is the shelve, than we put the trim around to hide the ugly two by fours.  I painted it all white screwed hidden screws to the board that is screwed to the wall to hang the medals from and another project was done!
I also made curtains, just bought fabric at a craft store with there everyday 40% off coupon and whipped these up which add a great pop of color! I just added a 1/4 hem to the sides and a 2 inch rod slot to top and finished the bottom off with a 1 inch seam.   Very Easy do it yourself curtains.

She loves her room and although we added new windows and painted the walls, everything besides the fabric we used to upholster the vanity and make the curtains and the hooks for the owls, we had all the supplies on had.  With ideas we got mostly off of  pinterest and our own imagination we created a fun room on a very low budget!
Excuse her face(insert laughing crying face here) she cannot take a serious picture, but that face I think means check out my Awesome cool room!

1 comment:

  1. Love her room. I am totally making Claire a spoon mirror for her new room. Plus you know she wants anything like Madi has! :)
